Thursday 10 January 2013

Hw Summary : Only 200mil twitter users

Majority of 500 million twitter users that have registered prefer not to tweet

Twitter now has more than 200 million active users around the world

According to Twitter : The number of Twitterati has shot up from 140 million in May due to events such as the US elections and the Olympics...converting more people from passive to active users

There are more than 500million worldwide registered twitter accounts and more than half prefer not to tweet

Mobile Growth : with 60% using smartphone apps – in the UK 80% of active users are using their phones to access content.

Summary :
There is over 500 million registered account of wich only 200 million are active users and actually post tweets. Perhaps it shows that many people still are passive users and perhaps it will take time for more of them to turn into active users. Shows the apathy and lack of contribution in todays pluralistic and diverse society.

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