Thursday 10 January 2013

2013 Tablet Sales the only hope for Newsapapers ?

2013 tough for newspaper industries

Sporting and royal events such as the birth of Kates maintained advertising and sales this year in 2012

Just over £1bn is predicted to be spent over national newspaper advertising,...9% Less than 2012

All eyes will be on Murdoch's plan to trade News Corps newspaper and book publishing assets from his more profitable film and TV businesses, which will result in more pressure to address the 1 million loss in the Times

The publisher of the Guardian is planning to cut 68 journalist posts in order to help reduce its editorial budget by £7m, after a £44.2m loss in the year 2012

News corp will face major changes, including an effort to get rules barring a seven-day operation at the Times and Sunday Times loosened,
Scrapping the papers' online paywall is not likely to be one of them

At the moment you can't say that any publisher has got the model [to survive] exactly right," says Rob Lynam, head of press at media buying agency MEC.

Russian billionaire Lebedev, who is looking for an investor to share the losses at the Independent and Independent on Sunday, and Financial Times .
Some think Lebedev will be following the success of  the London Evening Standard which is made
Lebedev might consider the same for one of the market's success stories, the cut-price 20p ?

The magazine market will face a projected 7% slide in ad revenue and there has been no growth since 2005; like newspapers, magazines have to get to grips with digital strategy.
Media buying agency executives do not see an issue with advertiser support over the  issue of phone hacking, or the fallout of the Leveson inquiry

Jo Blake, a director at media buying agency Arena, says that, with huge sales expected this Christmas, 2013 should be the year of the tablet. "The key will be tablets and how publishers get to grips with monetising [them]," she says.

Summary :
Magazines also in decline how will they fit into the digital era, and will it be possible. The hope of 2013 Christmas being a boost for tablets is intresting to see whether it will come true and see how newspapers can adapt throughout 2013 for this to happen , is this the only hope left for newspapers.
Murdoch's adaptation of News Corp is also bound to see some change if it wants to subscripe and getting rid of paywalls will not be one of the ways nor cutting prices - however Lebedev of the Independent and Financial times seems to think so ....


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