Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Summary : Participation Debates – The media and democracy

Has Web 2.0 + social netwroking opened up new opportunities for democracy ?

Democracy = where all people have an equal say in decision making.
comment on local political ...Phone local radio station + hope to get a few seconds airtime

System of gov in most countries except one party states e.g China / dictatorship such as until recently Libya + non symbolic monarchies .g : Saudi Arabia

'one person one vote'  .eg : The X Factor in 2010 series 15,488,019 million votes by viewers to decide the outcome of the programme ...doesnt change the world but an example of democracy at work ....
Even Simon Cowell said
""The great thing is when you start seeing it in places like China and Afghanistan. It’s democracy. We’ve kind of given democracy back to the world. ""

pre-digital era -> few ways to get your voice heard
complaints about a TV programme...Send a letter and hope it might be read out on air

Web 2.0 = no longer just audeinces ... oportunity to communicate globbaly through social networking
6th series of X Factor ... Joe McElderry held off the crucial No.1 Christmas spot in UK charts .... The Sun called  this a 'wacky FB campaign' ...Half a millon FB users joined an 'anti X-Factor campaign' to protest at the modern music industry by killing in the name

Claims that uprisings in Egypt/ Libya couldnt have happened without Twitter + FB with young people using social media to bypass the old regimes and organie demonstrations

mobile phones = device that enabled these uprisings -> protestors can move and communicate on the move & keep one step ahead of authorities.
Countries now expecting this Arab Spring access to mobile phones + internet are still limited to a small elite so ...... perhaps no true democracy through media

Information= power
empowered users by giving -> instant unmediared unfolding news stories from various sources
bypassing hegemonic institutions that control dominant media in society

e,g Death of MJ => most found out about it through the interent ...-> reports first appeared on FB & Twitter then on TMZ entertainment blog long before traditional media institutions picked up the story
Why is this Democratic?
...  Instead of waiting for the story to be edited + mediated by orgainisations with their own motives we had access to a range of points/ views / direct and unmediated

Blogging :
media becoming more democratic
blogs = access to global audiences as Murdochs news corp
July 2011 most popular blog -> FailBlog or PerezHilton ... but the Huffington Post a respected pollitical blog with 54 million monthly readers

Some of the most significant events over the last 10 years = ccommunicated by ordinary people who happen to be in the right place at the right time
e.g: Video footage of the Twin Towers on 11th Sep 2001 + first hand reports on the Iran uprising -> we are reporting and recording the news

Is traditional jornalism dead ?
Is citizen journalism the future ?
Citizen journalism can provide eye witness accounts and subjective angels on stories to complement the work of proffestional news organisations

Are we moving towards a Liberal/Pluralist society?
competing voices are heard  and have as much influence as media institutions
Perhaps too idealistic but ... we have entered a new age --> where audiences are producers and traditional power structures are now forced to listen.

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