Saturday, 24 November 2012

Virtual Revolution 2 (NOTES)

Jeff Bezos - co founder of Amazon:
"we change tools and tools change us"

Wikileaks - Annonomous links with the gov, links with BNP members - they exposed all BNP members such as teachers etc...protecting the public
over 1.2 documents online and has military protection
2008 = court injunction after wikileaks tax invasion
Allows annonomous publication of info that will challenge the goverment
Wikileaks owned by Julian Assange

"Impossible to stop something spreading" - Bill Gates

Internet (-) =
No central conrtol (Decentralised)
Cannot be shut down
Threat to gov
No regime can control it
Cant supress information

Mich Kapoor "censorship is damaged"

No longer limited in politics -> we can express own pollitical views through the internet (+)

State can entrench people identities
China 1 party state ..Web acts as a oppostition to this
over 250 million users online in china - (more than anyone in the world)
Web is a threat to the China govement (the state)

30 thousand people secretly police the web -> "GREAT FIREWALL OF CHINA"
censorship of web e.g: NY Times, Wikipedia , BBC

2008 China Earthquake = news uploaded through the web (Bloggers) phones , images of dead childrens names in school -> Challenge to the goverment

300,000 (fiftycenters) in china
fiftycenters... write articles - each article written the writer gets 50 cent
way of promoting goverment (communism) Hegemonic/ dominant ideologies from the gov

Al Gore : Presidents respond to bloggs on the web and respomg  to political conciousness on the web

if you are on social netwroking = surveillance

Whistleblowing (telling on someone) -> censorship not allowed to (?) or go against organisations

Peter Thiel - Founder of Pay Pal - 1990's
moves across the nation within cyberspace
"Globalisation= a breakdown of barriers" / Transfer money internationally
change of transactions = People have soverignty over their money

Web (-)
Linked up exremists
Al Qa'da + Taliban = propganda videos "shock taktics"
(Graphic images) for people to sign up to their ideologies
Their material throught net -> they can control how the message is portraid

Their " PORATBLE HOMELAND" -> people from different countries link through web - if they have the same views --> seems as if they all live in one place -> people connected through the web
"Web collapses distances"
But also can lead to (CYBER BALKANISATION) =small groups against each other
e.g :

2007 Assult through web in Estonia (Russia)
97% of their money transactions doe through the web - was under "cyber attack"
was a cyber attack due to a cyber warrior
their was a "DENIAL OF SERVICE" - no one able to access websites
This had an effect on the economy, banks and businesses

Cyber War = the state dont know who/where it is coming from due to the fact it is in "cyberspace"(the web)

If more poeople go online :
Have a voice/ purality .... BUT .... New Dangers ??


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