Tuesday 4 December 2012

Leveson Inquiry - Media News

  • The Government prepares draft bill based on Leveson Proprosals
  • Lord Justice Leveson's 2,000-page report into press ethics, published on Thursday, found that press behaviour was "outrageous" and "wreaked havoc with the lives of innocent people".
  • Leveson called for a new independent watchdog - which he said should be underpinned by legislation
  • A campaign has been launched calling on MPs to implement the proposals in full.
Campain group / petition : http://hackinginquiry.org/petition/  --->

  •   Prime Minister David Cameron opposing statutory control, unlike his deputy Nick Clegg, who wants a new law introduced without delay
  • Alan Rusbridger, the editor of the Guardian, said this morning that “a bit of statute” would be a price worth paying for an effective new system of regulation –.....more flexible way to settle cases against newspapers
  • Gerry McCann, the father of missing child Madeleine, was angered by Cameron's reaction to the report, +  said he believed Leveson did not go far enough
  • Maria Miller, the culture secretary, said "David Cameron and many Tories are against statutory regulation; other Tories, the Lib Dems and Labour back it."

Overview : Shows that the desision will now have a huge impact on the press, regardless of David Cameron having a less sympathetic and forwarding attitude towards regulations there is now a online form of pluralistic democracy by the petitition online. The petition reinforces the fact that now audeinces and ordinary people can have the change to effect and have a say on desisions and laws of the goverment as they can decide on implimenting proposals in full effect to restrict the press and media.

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