Wednesday 7 November 2012

The Impact of Online Technology on the News

Traditional Paper Based Form
Online news site
Has a purchase price. Is not Free
Has predominantly free content
Certain retailers sell newspapers
Can be accessed anywhere with internet access
Can be easily destroyed or marked
Content remains even if portal of access is destroyed
Usually target a specific audience base
Appeal to internet audiences - W
Costly to produce; paper, printing etc.
Less costly as they use website builders
Costly to distribute
Cheap to distribute
Stories are limited as it is aimed for certain audiences
Can offer countless news stories at any one time plus the ability to archive stories, although many of these news stories are simply replications or re-workings of main news stories and may be cut and pasted news stories from other mainstream news sites.
Only print version of story available
Only online version is available
Cannot be updated immediately and regularly
Can be updated and edited instantly
In not interactive
Can be interactive
Cannot allow audience immediate feedback/ citizen journalism
Allows audiences to express their beliefs through comment sections
Allows interaction between audiences and institutions
Can offer in-depth analysis and comment but is limited by space
Varied options for expansion of topic matter. In depth editorials and comment

Audience Gratifications of The Guardian website.
Audience Gratification
Long-running chat boards
Interaction with their audiences
Network of weblogs
Leaving comments on articles
Can make an audience feel powerful by creating the idea that they are challenging the news institution’s values
Readers can access articles online, on mobile devices through RSS feeds or on eBook readers.
Can allow easy and faster access (audiences can easily access content wherever, and whenever.
Varied selection of categories in easy accessible genre areas
Appeals to mass audiences as audiences can pick what appeals to them
Allows audiences to empathize and increases identification
Audiences gain more information and the sense of connection
Access to paper-based content
Appeals to wider audiences who like paper based articles (sophisticated audiences)
Dating sites/ personals
Gives chances to interact

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